This is a sequel to my story "Night Storms." I suggest you read
that story first so you will know what's going on here. Of course, if
you are offended by the subject matter, don't read either.
It should be obvious that this, as with all my stories, is entirely a
work of fiction. Although I wish some of it had, everything here,
as with every one of my stories, is entirely fictitious. I hope you
enjoy the story but, please, don't try this yourself.
The first scene that day was a short one, Doug was preparing
dinner while they listened to the weather. The machine voice told
of the hurricane and Doug, after marking a chart laying on the
table in front of Val, said the storm would pass south of them, but
they could expect some thunder that night.
The rest of the morning was spent filming the painting scenes. This
was really a fun time as they crawled around the boat, sanding and
painting and laughing together. Valerie was ready for the last shoot
where they crawl down into the boat (actually, the breakaway on
the sound stage) and clean each other up. The paint smudges were
tempera, so they used water, not thinner. At the end, she really had
fun pulling her clothes off and running through the boat. Then,
without covering up, she waited at the pool for the cameras to get
set up, enjoying the novelty of being the only naked person in a
room full of people. The crew members tried to look like they were
ignoring her but she caught more than a few of the guys looking
her over a little more carefully than normal. The scene of Val,
followed 5 seconds later by Doug, diving off the boat took less
than 30 seconds to shoot.
She was nervous at lunch and didn't eat anything, Val and Joanne
arrived at makeup 15 minutes early. Val was surprised when they
handed her a big towel and a bar of soap and told her to take a
"You always shower before a scene like this honey," her mother
said. "Also, you should take a poop if you can, before you shower.
Be sure to get yourself real clean."
Back in the makeup chair, they did her hair and put just a little
makeup on her, it was going to be dark on the set. Then it was time
to go to the set. The makeup aid handed Val a robe. Val hung it
over her arm. As they headed for the door her mother said,
"Honey, you might want to put on the robe."
"No, I don't think so." Val walked out of the trailer and headed
across the parking lot. Joanne caught up and walked with her,
noticing a lot of shocked stares and more than a few admiring
When they entered the set, Steve looked up and said, "Damn, they
forgot the tee shirt."
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Val said.
"Some one run across to makeup and get the tee shirt," Steve
called, then he turned back to his discussion with a lighting tech.
About two minutes later, the makeup aid arrived with a
Manchester United tee shirt and Val pulled it on. In just a few
minutes, they were shooting again.
First, they had the shot of Lessa coming into the small cabin and
standing over Donny.
"Oh!" he started awake. "Is everything ok?"
Lightening flashed outside the port windows, followed by a loud
thunder clap.
"The lightening scares me."
"You can lay down here, if you want." Doug (Donny) pulled back
the sheet and, in the dim light with a lightening flash you can see
that he's naked. Valerie (Lessa) got in with him and they curl up
like spoons.
Val felt Doug's cock against the back of her thigh, it was still soft.
She remembered her instructions and shivered a couple of times
during lightening. Then Steve called out, "Ok, that's enough with
the storm, just turn it down to distant thunder and stop with the
lights." He waited a few moments as things quieted down, then
said to Val and Doug, "Ok, we're ready."
Suddenly Val felt tense and Doug whispered to her, "Don't worry
honey, just relax."
She had to force herself to calm down, but her heart was pounding
in her ears. Then she realized that Doug's cock was growing
against her thigh. "Are you ready, honey?"
"Yes," she said in a small voice. She heard a low murmur and
realized it was Steve giving Doug directions.
She felt his hands moving up the outside of her shirt. He nuzzled
her hair and, as he gently started rubbing one of her nipples
through the thin cotton, he kissed her behind the ear. His touch sent
an electronic jolt through her and she made a small gasp. She felt
Doug's penis was hard and hot against her. He moved his hand
down, then up under the shirt. He lightly rolled her little nipples,
they were sticking out like small strawberries between his fingers.
Val groaned softly, forgetting where she was, forgetting that her
mother, Steve, Mr. Schmidt and about 20 other people were
watching as her breasts were felt for the first time.
"Lay back, honey," Doug said quietly. Val rolled slightly toward
him and as she did, she realized that, somehow, the sheet had been
pulled down and her pussy was there for everyone, most
importantly the camera. It all seemed just right and she slowly slid
her hand behind her, between her and Doug and, for the first time,
felt a man's penis. It was warm and hard, but the skin was smooth
and slid easily along the hard underneath. Doug lay back a little
and her hand moved over the head. Here the skin was velvety
smooth and softer. She heard a very quiet moan in Doug's throat
and it turned her on more to know he was turned on. Doug had
rolled away, opening a gap between them so the camera could see
her hand slowly stroking. Then, she remembered her lines.
"Would you rub me too, Donny?" she said in a small voice.
Doug's hand moved down from her preteen breasts, over her
stomach and to her crotch. He pulled her thigh up, moving her leg
up and back so it hung over his. Now her hairless pussy was fully
open and the film followed every move as his finger probed her
slit, circling the clit, then moving down and pushing into her virgin
cunt. Val took her hand away from his cock and started directing
his fingering of her. It wasn't in the script, but, as a bonus, she
quickly built and then came, holding his hand hard against her
pussy and rocking her hips as she climaxed. Then she opened her
eyes and saw all by people watching. Steve was smiling and
nodding to himself, her mom had an amazed look on her face.
"You're wonderful," Doug whispered as he gently pushed her
away, then rolled her on her back. Val helped him pull her shirt
off, she looked down and saw his enraged dick against her thigh.
She reached down with both hands and started to stroke it. "Oh,
God, that's soooo good," he said. Then Doug leaned down and
gently sucked on her right nipple while he pushed his finger up
into her pussy. Val came almost immediately, again rocked by the
explosions across her ten year old body. "Ooohhh, fuck," she sort
of growled as she came down from her climax.
Doug rolled the little girl onto her side, again, following the
instructions in his ear, and scooted down some. He lifted her leg
and ran his cock between her legs and out the front along her
crack. Val reached down and, grasping his cock, she pushed it
against herself and started to hump, running her clit along the top
of his dick while holding the warm head against the soft skin just
above her mons. She humped faster as her third orgasm built and
Doug again pinched and pulled gently on her nipples. Val again
looked out and saw everyone watching. She saw the lump in
Steve's pants, her mother, her eyes half closed, was leaning
forward with one hand jammed into her crotch and, in the back,
where it was dark, one of the best boys was obviously jerking off,
standing, watching them. She could hear Doug breathing hard in
her ear, small growls coming with every breath. She squeezed his
dick hard and jammed it against herself as she came again. At the
same time, she felt the eruption of Doug's sperm into her hands.
Suddenly, his cock slipped from her hands as he pulled back, then
slid back up into them as he grunted and more semen was pumped
into her hands and crotch. It seemed to go on forever as Doug
spewed his seed all over her and she came in roles, groaning and
When she came down, she heard more murmuring in Doug's
earpiece and he pulled back, rolling his ten year old lover back
onto her back. She, without being told, lifted her arms over her
head, displaying her cum covered body to Doug and the overhead
camera. Doug leaned down and kissed her, then she felt his hand
on her belly again. He was rubbing his jez down her stomach to
make a pool of it on her belly, just above the rise of her mons.
Instinctively, she knew what he was doing, and it wasn't in the
screen play. She spread her legs wide, lifting her knees and
pushing her pussy forward as he pushed a goopy pool of slime
down into her slit, then rubbed and pushed it into the folds. With a
big dollop ahead of his fingertip, he pushed his sperm into her
preteen pussy as a camera, in extreme close up followed
"That was absolutely awesome," Steve said. Doug kissed her
again, this time giving her some tongue. The spell was broken, Val
came back to life. She sat up and inspected her cum covered torso.
Some of his seed had even gotten on her upper arm and on her
Joanne came up with a towel and started to wipe the semen off her
daughter. "You were wonderful, darling." She kissed Val, then
leaned over and kissed Doug. "Thank you for being so gentle with
Doug was sitting on his butt, knees up, his hands on the mattress
behind him, still panting slightly. "Oh, man. I've not been so
turned on for years."
"Ok y'all," Steve shouted. "That's all for today. Everyone have a
good weekend and I'll see you on Monday. Just a reminder, on
Tuesday I need the boat crews at Marina Del Ray, we're spending
the day shooting on location."
Joanne and Val were heading back to makeup when Mr. Schmidt
approached them in the parking lot. It made for a strange scene, a
large old well dressed black man talking to a cute blonde woman
and her nude ten year old daughter while standing in the middle of
a parking lot where everyone was rushing to their cars to get a
jump on the weekend.
"I'd like to invite you two to my hotel for a little party with the
cast and a few of the production crew tomorrow night."
Joanne looked at Val then back at Mr. Schmidt, "Yeah, we'd love
"Ok. I've arranged to use the private dining room at the Sheridan
San Fernando, we'll start around six."
"Thank you, Mr. Schmidt," Val said.
"Please, both of you, call me Leslie, or just Les. And, young lady, I
know that's your best outfit, I certainly prefer it, but a pair of jeans
and a shirt may be better at my hotel."
Val giggled, "Oh, too bad!"
"I'm looking forward to seeing you two there."
He walked to his Lincoln and the girls continued on to the make up
trailer to claim Valerie's clothes.
The dinner party was pretty boring for Val, it was all adults who
talked and drank. The food was good but, because it was in a
public place, she couldn't drink any of the wine and, of course,
there were no drugs. There was one other young person, Chris,
Doug's son, but he was in ninth grade. She did spend her time
talking to him and, once when they went out by the pool, her
reached over and brushed some of her hair back. But, soon, they
were headed home, making their way down the 405 to Van Nuys.
In the dark, Joanne and Val were quiet. When they arrived at their
apartment, Val went into the bathtub and, a little while later,
Joanne came in and sat down on the toilet lid.
"What do you think of Chris?"
"He's alright, I guess. Kind of quiet," Val said.
"Steve wants him to play Josh."
Val looked up at her mother. She really hadn't thought about the
other guy in the story. "I guess so."
"Those scenes won't be for a couple more weeks."
Val pictured Chris in her mind. "He's Doug's son."
"I wonder what he thinks about me and his father."
"Doug hasn't asked him yet, we'll see." They were quiet for a few
minutes, then Joanne put conditioner in her daughter's hair.
"They're going to have to dye your roots next week," she said.
"Val," she paused, "Steve wants me and him to do Lessa and
Josh's parents."
Val looked up at her mother, "Ok."
"Well, you've seen me in movies years ago, before you were born,
but this is different." She was silent for a while, Val rinsed her
hair. "I won't if you don't want me too."
Val smiled and sort of shook her head, meaning that she really
didn't mind and wondered why there was a question. "What's
wrong with that?"
"Good," then with a smile "I am sort of looking forward to it. It's
kind of a complement to a woman my age."
"Mom?" Val looked. "Can I watch?"
* * *
On Monday morning the makeup people did dye Val's hair and
that was about all. The scene for the morning didn't call for any
costumes. Joanne was somewhere else in the studio, so Val walked
to the stage alone, again naked. This time, she met a tram full of
tourists as she crossed. There were some gasps and exclamations, a
couple of guys took out cameras and one guy whistled. Val waved
and smiled, then entered the sound stage.
Steve and Doug were already in the break-away of the aft cabin
talking when Val walked up. "Where's my mom?"
"Joanne went to the business office to deal with some paperwork.
We're ready here, do you want to wait for her?" Steve asked.
Val thought for a moment, "No, that's alright."
"How was your weekend?" Doug asked.
"Fine, we spent most of it hanging around home."
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah, sure. Are you?" Val asked Doug.
"For you, I'm always ready." She could see the swelling in the
boxer shorts he was wearing.
"Ok, places everyone!" Steve called.
It was still early in the morning but Val was definitely in the mood
to make this scene. She had read the screen play as they drove to
the studio and, just thinking about it, had started to make her hot.
Doug dropped his shorts, his cock was already at half mast. He lay
down on the bed and pulled the sheet over him, then, under the
sheet, he repositioned his dick, pulling it up along his belly. It slid
a little sideways, a ridge across the top of his hip.
"Ok, let's start," Steve said. "When ever you want Valerie."
She paused for a second, remembering her directions, then stepped
forward and reached down, wrapping her little hand around his
cock and stroking it through the sheet. Doug started awake, then,
after saying "Oh!" lay back as the little girl gave him a hand job.
He was fully hard in just a second. Val pulled the sheets down,
exposing his rod and she knelt on the bed next to him, rubbing it
with both hands. Doug started to hump gently to meet her strokes.
"Oh, that's great," he murmured.
From somewhere, a desire, a drive, surfaced in Val's mind.
Suddenly, she had an uncontrollable urge to feel Doug's cock in
her mouth. She knew those scenes would be shot later, maybe next
week, but she couldn't stop herself. A common gasp went up from
most of the members of the crew when she leaned forward and
took the end of Doug's dick into her mouth.
"Oh, damn," Doug said when he felt her lips close around his cock.
His cock felt smooth and warm in her mouth, she felt the pee hole
with her tongue, licking the tip, then pushed down until her mouth
was full, the shape fitting nicely into the back of her throat. Doug
looked up at Steve, a questioning look on his face. Steve stood up
and walked closer, moving to the side so he could better see. He
waved for the cameras to come closer and catch the action.
Val started moving Doug's dick in and out, sucking as hard as she
could. A couple of times, there was a small burping sound as air
was sucked between her lips and Doug's cock. She released it, then
put her mouth around the bottom of the shaft, just behind the head,
sucking the shaft sideways and holding it in her lips. She petted the
top of his dick with her other hand. She moved her mouth down to
the base, at the foot of his cock and the top of his scrotum. She
jerked him off with her hand as she released her mouth's suction,
then kissed his nuts, then sucked them into her mouth, moving
them around with her tongue.
This had all happened too fast and too surprisingly for Doug and
he lost his professional control. He put his hand on the back of
Val's head. "Honey, I'm going to cum," he said.
Val released his nuts and watched his cock as she stroked it with
both hands. Doug was beyond help, he started to uncontrollably
hump to meet her hands, making small grunts with each stroke. A
little stream of clear pre-cum ran down the head and into her
hands. Val lifted up and took him back into her mouth just as the
first enormous load of sperm shot out of Doug's cock. Her mouth
was instantly full of his jez, she swallowed as much and as fast as
she could but there was too much of it. A thick stream of white
semen ran out of the corner of her mouth and down over her hand.
She swallowed more cum and her mouth was full again as Doug
groaned. She gulped again only to have him fill her another time. It
seemed to Val it would never stop spewing out of his cock as she
drank what seemed like a pint of his semen.
Finally the flow stopped. Val's hands and face were covered with
goo, Doug's dick hair was also soaked. He lay back, panting as Val
sat up. There was a camera close to her, getting a close up of her
cum covered face. Some had gotten on her hair, small wet strings.
"God, you never cease to amaze me," Steve said.
Val leaned back on her heels, wiping her mouth with the back of
her hand and laughing, "That stuff's slimy!"
Steve handed her a towel. "Not the scene I wanted to shoot, but
I'm sure I can use it."
Val looked down and Doug, "Ready for the right one now?"
In the background a couple of people laughed. "I think Doug'll
have to rest for a little while."
Joanne came walked in from the darkness across the stage, "Well,
Val, how'd it go?"
Steve looked at her with a smile, Doug laughed and Valerie
giggled a little.
"We didn't film the right scene, Jo," Steve said.
Joanne looked confused.
"Val decided to give me a blow job instead," Doug said.
"And what a BJ!" Steve said.
"Oh." Joanne looked at her daughter, Val gave her a sheepish
There was a moment of quiet.
"Anyway, the schedules a bit off," Steve said. "Did you get all the
contracts signed?"
"Well, why don't we do our shoot while Doug catches his breath,
then we'll do this one over."
"Can you use it?" Joanne asked.
"Oh, I'm sure we can put it somewhere."
Crewmembers started to shut down equipment the turn off lights.
"Ok," Steve called in a loud voice, "everyone on stage 4-A in
"Steve, we need to do makeup," Joanne said.
"Oh, yeah. STAGE 4-A in ONE HOUR!"
"Mommy, can I watch you."
Joanne looked at Steve. "Sure, as long as you keep out and don't
turn it into a threesome. We do have a shooting schedule to keep,"
he said.
At makeup, both Steve and Joanne started with showers, then
came out into the chairs. The crew started working on them.
"Steve, do you want me shaved?" Joanne asked.
Looking at the makeup tech he said, "No, just a neat trim for both
of us, we're a nice middle aged couple enjoying our marriage."
The clippers came out, as did the makeup, wash clothes, que tips
and the like. Val sat in a chair in the corner and watched her
mother being transformed into a porn star. Forty minutes later they
were ready, the techs handed out robes.
"Do we need these?" Joanne asked.
Steve frowned for a moment, "I guess not. Hell, Val's still naked."
So, the three of them walked across to the studio, holding hands
and naked as the day they were born.
In another area, the scene had been set up, it was a typical middle
class bedroom in an older British house. "We're here Jack," Steve
said. Jack was one of the assistant directors, he would be in charge
of this shooting. "We need a normal middleclass fuck, no
gymnastics, a little oral, no cum shots, I'm going to see if I can
make another little Valerie. We really need only a couple of
minutes of film.
The scene actually took forty five minutes to film, all of it in one
take. Steve and Joanne started with a long, slow oral during which
Joanne came at least five times. While she was not bothered by the
camera and crew, doing it in front of her daughter was a little
unsettling. It was even more unsettling when she saw that Val was
sitting in one of the director's chairs, slouched down, her legs
spread, fingering her hairless pussy as she watched her mother
having her cunt eaten. But, when she saw her little girl go over the
edge, lifting her knees and hunching over while she was rocked by
an orgasm, Joanne came apart and had an incredibly intense
moaning orgasm herself. From then on, it was just one cum after
another until Jack told her to get on top of Steve and "fuck him
proper." The cameras got close ups from the back as Steve's balls
bounced up and down and his cock slid in and out. Then Joanne
leaned back and the camera captured three minutes of excellent
front end work until Steve blew his load deep inside Joanne, filling
her womanly womb with his millions of sperm. Joanne, unlucky at
love recently, had stopped taking her pills a couple of months ago
and the idea that she might be conceiving another sexy little slut
girl like Val, or maybe a boy who would be the most awesome stud
around, made her have an incredible climax, shuddering and
* * *
As was their habit, Steve and Leslie had lunch that day, delivered
to an editing room where they reviewed the morning's film.
"I looks like you're loosing control of that little girl," Les said
while watching her unplanned blow job.
"She is turning into a horny little fuck-slut, isn't she?"
Steve unloaded the tape, "Well, we'll be able use that later on, can
you work it into the story?"
"Oh, I'm sure I can." Mr. Schmidt paused, "Did you see what she
was doing while you fucked her mother?"
"Are you calling me a motherfucker?"
They laughed, "Well, I guess I am."
With a smile, Steve said, "Then fuck you."
"No, it's that little girl I want to fuck," Leslie said, pointing at the
"All in good time, sir, all in good time," Steve said.
There were a few moments while Steve loaded the film of Joanne
and him. "I think you should change the plans this afternoon,
Steve. I think you should combine the sunscreen, double finger,
and first time into one scene on deck."
"You want Doug to bust her cherry right after lunch?"
"Yeah, with a full fuck, not a finger thing."
"I think they'll go for it," Steve said as he started to projector.
Joanne and Valerie were driving back to the studio, stuck in traffic,
when the cell phone beeped. Joanne answered.
"Hello-Hi-We're on our way back, traffics backed up and San
Fernando-Uh hu-You liked the film then-Well, it's been a
long time-Naw, I think I'll keep my day job-(laughing) I'm
sorry to disappoint you-Yes-Uh hu-Uh hu-Yeah, she's
getting a bit wild (glancing over at Valerie)-Uh hu-I'm sure
Doug'll like that, if he's recovered (laughing again)-Sounds good
to me-Uh hu-I'll ask her, but, after this morning, I think she'll
go for it-Uh hu-We'll be in makeup in about ten-Ok, Ok-See
ya in a few-Ok-bye."
"What does Steve want?" Val asked.
Joanne looked down at her ten year old daughter, "Steve wants you
and Doug to go all the way in this afternoon's shoot."
"We're going to do all three scenes?"
"No, we'll combine them all into one, on deck, starting with the
sun screen."
Valerie looked out the window. "How much does it hurt?"
"Well, I'm not sure. For me, it was really bad, but then, I was
Valerie looked up at her mother with a look of shock, "What
"I was gang raped." She paused as she remembered, "My brother
was a football player, he had a group of guys from his team over
one night when our parents weren't there for a party. There was a
lot of drinking and pot, eventually, he passed out. I was eight.
Well, a couple of these guys got some ideas about me, I was pretty
drunk also, and they got me dancing. I really liked the attention
and the whistling and the like. One of them started yelling "Take it
off!" I sort of flashed my chest and got all sorts of cheers. I don't
know, as I said, I was pretty drunk, but a little later I was dancing
in the middle of the room, pulling off my panties. I really don't
remember a whole lot more until I was laying on my bed, one guy
was on one side holding my arm and ankle, there was another on
the other side holding me too and there was a guy standing on the
bed, over me, jerking off. I thought he was peeing on me when I
felt his spunk landing on my chest and face. They all cheered. I
tried to get free but, well, and eight year old girl against a bunch of
teen age football players. Then another guy came up and told them
to slide me to the edge of the bed, he got on his knees and raped
me. I think I sort of passed out but I do remember at least four guys
fucked me."
"Later that night, my mother found me when she got home. She
put me in the bathtub and cleaned my up, then put me back to
"What did your parents do?"
"Well, they couldn't do much. I know they complained to the
coach but, well, football in Texas, you know. If they had done
anything, gone to the police, anything like that, in a small town
like that, my dad would have lost his job, we'd of been run out of
It was silent in the car for over a minute. Valerie looked out the
window and watched the sidewalk. Traffic started to ease up.
"Don't be afraid, you know Doug'll be super gentle. I know that
he, all of us, want it to be a wonderful time for you. We certainly
don't want you to watch the movie ten years from now and
remember the pain, we want you to remember it better than that."
Valerie was silent for the next ten minutes until they reached the
She was quiet while in makeup, only answering questions and not
joining in the usual laughing conversation. They dried her hair,
then teased it a little, making it look windblown. A little makeup
on her face, none on her body, the sun screen would smear it. This
time, she put on a pink tee shirt, panties, and light-weight aqua
shorts. Then they buckled on a marine safety harness around her
lower chest with straps over her shoulders.
The large building was a flood with light, the mock up sailboat
surrounded with stands, mikes and cameras. When Steve saw them
he waved to Doug and they both approached Val and her mother.
"Are you ok with this?" Steve asked.
"Well...yeah." Val said. She noticed Mr. Schmidt talking with the
sound gang on the other side of the pool.
"She's afraid it will hurt," Joanne said.
Doug reached over and ran his hand down her cheek. "Honey, I'll
be absolutely gentle. I want you to always remember this with
She looked up at him and smiled, then looked at Steve. "Well,
what do you want me to do?"
"Oh, well,...the scene will start out just like the screen play,
nothing changes at first. Then, well, just follow Doug, relax and
enjoy yourself. When you're ready, you'll know when, tell him."
"What about afterwards?"
"Ah, don't run off like you do in the screen play, we'll fade out the
"Ok," she said, "I guess, lets go."
"Just a second, Val," Doug said. "I'm going to have a tube of K-Y,
don't worry about it when I put it on, they'll cut that out in
"Are you going to use a rubber?"
"We don't need one honey," Joanne said. "Doug's clean and
you're too young to get knocked up."
"Also, they can be uncomfortable for the girl," Steve said.
On the boat, Valerie sat down on one of the seats in the cockpit.
Fans were turned on for wind and green screens were moved in
behind her. "Ok, honey, lay back and look sleepy. Maybe put your
legs up on the seat," Steve said. She was nervous, she was afraid of
the pain and she really didn't want to make a scene which would
have to be reshot-faked. But, she was also really curious and,
well, horny too. She really wanted to fuck Doug.
"ACTION!" Steve called.
Doug climbed out of the companionway, standing up and
stretching in the artificial sunlight.
"Morning Capt'n. All's well," Val (Lessa) said, giving him a mock
salute with her hand.
"Good morning darling, how's it going?"
"Can I take this stuff off?"
Doug (Donny) looked around, inspecting the sky and the water.
"Sure, as long as I'm up and around." Then he climbed out of the
cockpit. (In the final movie, he walked around the boat, making a
quick inspection.)
Valerie worked at the buckle at the base of her solar plexus. Then
she pulled the shirt off over her head, shaking her hair free. Next
she lifted up and worked her shorts and panties free of her hips and
butt, then pulled them down off her legs. She lay back in the sun,
then swiveled around to put her feet up, next she hung one of her
legs over the combing which made up the back of the seat,
exposing her hairless pussy, with its' thick lips, to the light and
camera. She closed her eyes, resting.
Doug came back into the cockpit and sat down across from the
naked preteen. He was also naked. He dug a book out of the
compartment next to him, then started to read. After a few seconds
(he had gotten instructions thru his earphone) he said, "You look
lovely, that's your prettiest outfit."
He pretended to read a few seconds longer, then, "Honey, you need
some sunscreen, you're going to get burnt."
"Would you put it on me?"
Again, Doug left the cockpit, this time down the hatch. Valerie
rolled over on her stomach, giving the camera a great view of her
little round ass. Doug reappeared and squirted a line of the white
lotion across her shoulders; he brushed her hair up and out of the
way and started massaging the sun screen into her shoulders and
upper back.
He worked his way down over her shoulder blades, then to her mid
back. More lotion was squeezed into a pool in the small of her
back, Val giggled and shivered, he massaged it in, running his
hands over her rounded ass cheeks. Again she giggled and
squirmed when he moved the edge of his hand along her ass crack.
Next he put lotion on his hand, then spread it on her left thigh. Val
spread her legs slightly, giving the camera a nice shot of her pussy.
Doug was kneeling on the deck next to her, his cock was already
fully engorged in anticipation of fucking the ten year old.
As he rubbed the lotion into her thigh, she flared her ass up,
making her slit easier to reach for his probing fingers. He pushed
his finger along it, the tip disappearing between the two soft white
rises, Val moaned. He worked his way down to her calf, then
spread more lotion on the other, finishing on her right thigh and,
again, fingering her preteen pussy from behind. Val started to lift
herself up, rolling over onto her back, "It's time to do my front
As Doug's eyes moved down, then up, surveying the awesome site
in front of him, he took a ragged breath. His cock was standing out,
straining and jerking slightly with every movement and beat of his
heart. A small drop of pre-cum oozed from the end, wetting the
split down from his pee hole. Doug squeezed a thin line of the
sunscreen across Valerie's upper chest, from one collar bone to the
other, then started rubbing it into her shoulders, throat and upper
arms. Valerie languidly squirmed under his hands, her eyes closed.
She raised her arms up over her head, stretching her entire length.
Her nickel size nipples stood above her flat chest, small cones
topped with nubs, about half the size of a pencil eraser. Doug put
more lotion in the palm of his hand, then rubbed them together,
spreading the smooth liquid between his palms. Next, he put both
hands on Valerie's chest and moved them both in circles, sliding
over her pectorals and erect nipples. A low growl escaped from
Valerie's throat, she opened her eyes slightly, focusing in the far
distance and drew in a full breath, only to slowly exhale and push
her chest up to meet Doug's hands.
Doug put more lotion on his hands, placed them at the base of her
ribs and slowly pushed them down, down along the twin ridges of
her abdominals, over her slightly protruding hips bones, and down
her thighs. One of Val's hands came up from her side and, as he
was pulling his hands back up her thighs, directed it in to cover her
Doug pushed his finger along her slit, Valerie humped against him,
making a high moaning noise deep in her throat. As his finger
worked deeper, he leaned down and gently started to suck on one
of her erect nipples. At the same time, his finger rubbed along the
ten year olds clit and she writhed under his expert touch. The
camera caught the image as, with the pointer and ring finger of his
right hand, he spread her thick lips, exposing her clit and inner
pussy lips for his middle finger to massage. As he pursed his lips
and sucked on her left nipple, moving the tip of his tongue back
and forth over the very end of her nipple, he slightly pinched and
pulled at her other nipple. Next he pushed his fingers farther down
and spread her inner pussy lips. Val had heard the low voice of
Steve giving Doug directions but she was too far gone in her
pleasure to pay attention. He pushed gently on the inside of her
thighs, signaling for her to spread her legs wide. She lifted one leg
so her knee was hooked over the combing, the other, her foot was
flat on the deck, next to Doug's knee. Doug pulled her thick outer
lips apart, then pushed two fingers slightly inside her, spreading
them and the camera, in extreme close up captured the site of her
open vagina and half-moon cherry, the pink membrane of skin
which partially closed off her womb. Now there would be no
question that the audience would know that what was to follow
was no fake.
Next, Doug pushed his finger in, just the tip, testing the limits of
her hymen. Val gasped slightly as a tremor of pain caught her by
surprise. "Here, turn this way," Doug said as he moved Val so she
was now sitting, her feet on the deck, slouching down with Doug
kneeling between her knees. She looked up at him with a face
which showed desire, nervousness, a little fear and even some
embarrassment as he, very obviously, ran his eyes over her, taking
in the full measure to this child beauty who was entirely his.
He leaned over her and kissed her, then moved down her neck,
shoulders, kissed and gently sucked each nipple, then the base of
her solar plexus, then the muscle ridges on each side of her navel,
then the smooth skin just above the top of her slit. He pushed her
legs farther apart, pulling her open and her clit ridge and inner lips
came into view. He ran his tongue along her inner parts and
Valerie instantly exploded in orgasm. A low, loud animal call, a
wail filled the set. Doug kept licking, pushing the end of his tongue
into her vagina; her silt was wet and shiny with her own pussy
juices and his spit.
He straightened up and rubbed his cock along her slit. Valerie
looked up, a little shocked, a little fear, then, as he started moving
his dick head back and forth along her slit, she smiled and closed
her eyes. She started humping to meet his thrusting, his dick
sliding in her furrow, then up along her belly. He did this for a
couple of minutes as Valerie's skin became more flushed a shine
of perspiration spreading across her. Again, there was an indistinct
murmuring in his ear and Doug pulled back and placed the head of
his cock against the opening of her vagina, pushing gently.
Valerie opened her eyes, looking up at him with an expression of
desire and some fear, "I want you inside me."
A flutter of both relief and anticipation ran through everyone on
the set. Doug sat back on his heels, the break in the action couldn't
be avoided as he, very quickly, spread some K-Y on the head of
his cock. In less than 5 seconds, he was back against her and,
grasping the shaft with one hand while holding Valerie's thigh
with the other, he pushed, opening her ten year old cunt.
Valerie just looked up at his face as about half of his cock head
pushed into her, stretching her lips apart, she closed her eyes with
pain. Doug pulled back, then pushed again, this time going just a
couple millimeters deeper before withdrawing. Valerie now had
her eyes open wide, her mouth open, and took a deep breath with
each of his moves. He pushed a little harder, moving in 'til about
three quarters of his head was inside her, just the top of the hood
still outside, pushing up against her clit. Valerie made a small
squeak from the pain.
Doug pulled back again, but this time a look of determination,
almost a hardness came over his face and he pushed harder than
before. Val looked at him with shock as his cock head went inside
her, there was a pause as pressure built and then, suddenly, his
cock slid deep, half of his full nine inches disappearing. Valerie
convulsed as her virginity was torn away, her face contorted, eyes
squeezed shut, teeth clenched, her lips pulled back in pain. Again,
she whimpered. A thin line of bright red blood appeared around the
meeting of Doug's dick and her pussy lips. It spread up, filling the
folds and crevices around her clit. Although it couldn't be seen by
the camera, a thin stream ran down into her ass crack.
Doug held still, his cock pushed as deep as it could go inside the
preteen, fully filling her child cunt. A tear ran from the corner of
her eye and down just below her temple to the turn of her jaw.
Doug slowly pulled back, his cock stained red with Valerie's
virgin blood, she whimpered, then he slowly pushed in again. As
he did, blood was forced out around his cock, it smeared down her
ass cheeks and between her butt and the white fiberglass of the
seat. Again, this time a little faster, Doug withdrew until just his
head was still inside her, then he pushed back in. The child's pussy
lips stretched to take the girth of his tool as he slid inside her.
On his next push, she slightly raised her hips to meet him, the pain
now beginning to give way to her building excitement. Her face
was now clear and relaxed, her eyes wide, her lips slightly parted
but tears continued to spill from her eyes and wet her cheeks. She
was beginning to breathe harder, to match his thrusts.
For Doug, he had never experienced such a tremendously sensual
and euphoric experience. The emotional build up to this had been
totally engrossing for days. He had thought of almost nothing else
but this scene, this moment for almost a week. He had watched as
this beautiful child had awakened to her womanly feelings, first
her nervousness at being nude on the set, then watching her
masturbate, at first tentatively but then loosing herself in her
feelings of desire and ecstasy. Then the incredible surprise when
she had broken from the script, her own curiosity and drives
getting the best of her, making him totally loose control as he
emptied his load into her mouth. And now, the little girl had come
back, hesitant, a little scared, even a little shy. His heart was
pounding in his throat, his sight seemed to be through a mist, he
was shaking slightly as he slowly and deliberately fucked this little
girl. Her pussy was incredibly tight and almost hot, the inside of
her legs, just above the knees, were squeezing his ribs, she was
digging her fingernails painfully into his upper arms as she
humped up to meet his thrusts.
He really didn't know how much longer he could hold back. He
looked down, her pussy, his cock, the insides of her thighs and his
belly just above his dick hair were all smeared with her blood. She
was moaning with every thrust as he sank his enraged penis into
her stretched, torn and bloodied pussy. He was beginning to sweat.
He plunged into the little girl twice more, then she made a loud,
low moan and he felt and saw her pussy spasming around his
cock. He pulled back, then shoved and blew inside her, pumping
the full measure of his sperm into her. As he pushed again, his
semen, stained red with her blood, flowed out around his cock.
Valerie gasped as she was repeatedly rocked by the waves of her
rapture. More of his blood stained cum oozed out of her and ran
down the inside of her thighs where they met with her pussy lips.
The white goo drew the blood with it, pulling red strings along.
Valerie groaned again, humping hard, then fell back, panting.
Doug's thrusts slowed.
They calmed, there breaths coming in gasps. Doug leaned down
and gathered his ten year old lover in his arms and pulled her up
against him, wrapping her in his arms, her face against his chest.
More tears wetted him as her ribs shuddered with her sobs and her
passing passion. He kissed the top of her head as she sat across his
thighs, him kneeling, his dick still deep inside her. She looked up
at him, he kissed her forehead, then a tear running down her cheek,
then her mouth. She tasted the saltiness of her tears and hugged
"I love you, Valerie," he said. He didn't realize his mistake until he
heard her, through a sob say, "I love you, Donny." A couple of
people on the stage chuckled quietly to themselves. He leaned her
back from him, she looked up, he brushed a strand of her wet hair
out of her eyes, then kissed her again. He leaned forward and lay
her across the seat again, when he straightened up, he looked at the
blood and cum filled place. His cock was softening. He pulled
back and his dick slid out of her no longer virginal cunt. It was
followed by a rush of pink stained semen, the excess form his
massive load, which ran down to her ass and pooled on the
fiberglass, only to then make a slow goopy advance down the front
of the seat towards the deck.
Doug lifted up and, when Val saw his blood and semen soaked
crotch a look of alarm crossed her face. He sat down next to her
and she leaned forward, looking down at herself and the bloody
mess on the seat, even running down to the deck. "Oh God," she
said, sniffling, she covered her mouth with her hand. Doug
wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him. That's when
the filming ended. Joanne stepped onto the stage with a warm
damp towel. She sat down on the other side of her no longer virgin
daughter and hugged her. Valerie let go of Doug and turned to her,
hugging her mother as tears streamed down her face, she was
rocked by sobs. Doug kept his hand on her back and put the other
one behind Joanne.
"It's ok honey," she said to her daughter, "you're beautiful."
Valerie was rocked by her mother for a few more moments, then
she broke away and turned back to Doug, hugging him.
"Ok honey?" he asked.
She nodded and wiped her face with the back of her hand.
"You were wonderful," he said. She hugged him again, being
Joanne started wiping the blood and cum off her daughters thighs.
Valerie let go of Doug, then took the towel from her mother and
started to clean herself. They watched as she cleaned the inside of
her thighs but she hissed with pain when she wiped her pussy. "I
guess I'm kind a sore there," she said with an embarrassed smile.
"That's all right, honey," her mother said. "You'll heal and then
you're going to want Doug's dick down there all the time."
Valerie looked up at Doug, "I think I want that already." She
smiled a little.
There were a number of laughs from the crew. "All right, people.
Let's get cleaned up and shut down, that's enough for today,"
Steve said in a loud voice